Seamlessly Merging and Managing Multiple Kubernetes Cluster Configurations

Managing multiple Kubernetes clusters efficiently can often seem daunting, especially when dealing with separate configuration files for each cluster. In this post, I’ll walk you through a straightforward process to merge new Kubernetes cluster configurations with your existing setup, ensuring smooth transitions between different contexts.

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As a developer, I frequently interact with multiple Kubernetes clusters for various projects. Initially, managing separate configurations for each cluster was tedious and error-prone. However, I discovered a seamless method to merge and manage these configurations, significantly simplifying my workflow. In this guide, I’ll share my process of merging Kubernetes configurations and selecting new contexts.


Before diving into the merging process, ensure you have the following:

  • Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) installed.
  • Existing Kubernetes configuration file (typically located at ~/.kube/config).
  • New Kubernetes configuration file for the cluster you wish to add.

Merging Kubernetes Configurations

Step 1: Setting the KUBECONFIG Environment Variable

To begin, we need to set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to include paths to both the existing and new configuration files. This environment variable allows kubectl to reference multiple configuration files.

For Unix-like systems (Linux, macOS):

export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config:/path/to/new/kubeconfig

For Windows:

set KUBECONFIG=%USERPROFILE%\.kube\config;C:\path\to\new\kubeconfig

Step 2: Merging the Configurations

Next, we use kubectl config view --merge --flatten to merge the configurations. This command reads the configuration files specified in the KUBECONFIG environment variable, merges them, and outputs a single configuration file.

kubectl config view --merge --flatten > ~/.kube/config-merged

Step 3: Replacing the Current Config with the Merged One

After merging, we need to replace our current configuration file with the newly merged configuration. It’s a good practice to back up the original file before making any replacements.

mv ~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config.bak
mv ~/.kube/config-merged ~/.kube/config

Step 4: Verifying the Merge

Finally, we verify the merge by listing all available contexts. This helps confirm that contexts from both the original and new configurations are present.

kubectl config get-contexts

You should see a list of contexts that includes entries from both your existing and newly added configurations.

Selecting a New Context

Once the configurations are merged, switching between different contexts becomes necessary. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Listing Available Contexts

First, list all available contexts to identify the name of the new context you wish to switch to.

kubectl config get-contexts

The output will show a list of contexts along with their details.

Step 2: Selecting the Desired Context

After identifying the desired context, use the kubectl config use-context command followed by the context name to switch to it.

kubectl config use-context <context-name>

Replace <context-name> with the name of the context you want to select.

Step 3: Verifying the Selected Context

To ensure the new context is selected, list the contexts again. The current context will be indicated with an asterisk (*).

kubectl config get-contexts

This output confirms that the desired context is now active.


Managing multiple Kubernetes clusters doesn’t have to be a cumbersome task. By merging your configurations and efficiently switching contexts, you can streamline your development workflow and focus more on building great applications.

In this guide, I covered:

  1. Setting the KUBECONFIG environment variable to reference multiple configuration files.
  2. Merging configurations using kubectl config view --merge --flatten.
  3. Replacing the current configuration file with the merged one.
  4. Verifying the merge and switching contexts.

Following these steps, you can effortlessly manage multiple Kubernetes clusters and maintain a clean, organized configuration setup. With this approach, my workflow has become much more efficient, allowing me to handle multiple projects with ease.

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