Browser Caching in ASP.NET Core: A Step-by-Step Guide to Fine-Tuning Your API Responses

When building web applications, caching can be a critical tool in improving performance. Whether you’re aiming to reduce server load or speed up content delivery, caching is essential. However, there are times when you need precise control over how responses are cached, especially in ASP.NET Core. Maybe you want to ensure sensitive data isn’t cached at all, or maybe you want to cache static content for hours. In this post, I’ll show you how I approach managing browser caching in ASP.NET Core, focusing on both disabling caching and configuring custom cache durations.

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Why Care About Caching in ASP.NET Core?

Before diving into specific configurations, let’s take a moment to understand why caching even matters. When a user makes a request to your ASP.NET Core application, several components can cache the response, including the browser, intermediary proxies, and even your server. By default, browsers may cache responses in ways that can sometimes be undesirable, leading to stale data or exposing sensitive information. On the other hand, correctly configured caching can reduce latency and improve user experience.

ASP.NET Core provides robust tools to manage caching behavior at different levels—globally, per action, or even per middleware. Let’s break down how you can leverage these tools in different scenarios.

Controlling Caching for Security: Disabling Caching Completely

There are times when you need to ensure that certain responses are never cached. For example, responses containing sensitive information should always be fetched directly from the server. Fortunately, ASP.NET Core makes this straightforward.

Here’s a simple way to disable caching across an entire action method:

[ResponseCache(Duration = 0, Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None, NoStore = true)]
public IActionResult SecureAction()
    return View();

The ResponseCache attribute above works by setting key cache control headers:

  • Duration = 0: Specifies that the cache should be considered immediately stale.
  • Location = ResponseCacheLocation.None: Ensures the response isn’t cached by any intermediary proxies.
  • NoStore = true: Completely disables any kind of storage or caching.

I often use this configuration for endpoints that deal with sensitive data, where it’s essential that browsers or proxies do not hold on to old copies.

Fine-Tuning Cache Durations: Making Responses Cacheable for Specific Times

For assets that don’t change frequently, like images, stylesheets, or even some dynamic content, you can significantly reduce server load and improve performance by caching them for a set duration. A common scenario might involve caching certain API responses for a few hours.

For instance, if you want to cache a response for six hours (21,600 seconds), you can configure the cache settings like this:

[ResponseCache(Duration = 21600, Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any, NoStore = false)]
public IActionResult CachedAction()
    return View();

Here’s what’s happening:

  • Duration = 21600: This specifies that the response should be cached for 21,600 seconds (or 6 hours).
  • Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any: This indicates that the response can be cached by the client, a proxy, or any other intermediary.
  • NoStore = false: Allows caching and storage of the response, unlike the previous example.

This approach works well for API responses that are expensive to compute or retrieve, but don’t change often. Examples include data that updates periodically, like product catalogs or news feeds.

Setting Cache Headers Globally with Middleware

In some scenarios, you may want to apply caching settings across your entire application or large segments of it. You can do this using custom middleware that injects caching headers into every response.

Here’s a simple example of middleware that ensures all responses are cached for six hours:

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
    app.Use(async (context, next) =>
        context.Response.Headers["Cache-Control"] = "public,max-age=21600";
        await next();

    // Additional middleware configuration...

By using middleware like this, I can easily apply a global cache policy without having to sprinkle [ResponseCache] attributes throughout my controllers. This is particularly useful for applications serving mostly static content or where you want a consistent cache policy.

Balancing Performance and Freshness: Combining Strategies

In real-world applications, I often need a mix of these caching strategies. Some parts of the application benefit from aggressive caching, while others need more fine-grained control. Here are some quick guidelines I follow:

  1. No Caching: Use for sensitive data or user-specific information that should always be fetched fresh.
  2. Short-Duration Caching: Apply to data that updates frequently but not continuously—like a news feed that refreshes every few minutes.
  3. Long-Duration Caching: Use for static assets, API responses that rarely change, or computed data that’s expensive to generate.

Combining these strategies effectively requires knowing your application’s data lifecycle and user interaction patterns. It’s all about finding the sweet spot where you reduce load and improve performance without sacrificing freshness.


Controlling how responses are cached in ASP.NET Core is crucial for both performance and security. Whether you need to prevent caching entirely or fine-tune cache durations for specific endpoints, ASP.NET Core provides flexible and powerful tools to achieve your goals.

I’ve shared how I typically approach this task—disabling caching for sensitive endpoints, setting custom cache durations, and using middleware for consistent cache policies across large areas of the application. Understanding how to balance these strategies based on your specific needs can make a noticeable difference in both user experience and application scalability.

When working with caching, remember: It’s not just about performance. It’s about delivering the right data, at the right time, to the right user.

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