Mastering Database Interactions with Prisma

person holding gray metal case outdoors

As a TypeScript enthusiast, I’ve always sought tools that enhance my productivity while ensuring type safety. Prisma, a modern ORM for Node.js and TypeScript, has become one of my go-to tools for database management. In this post, I’ll walk you through setting up and using Prisma in your TypeScript projects, covering everything from schema definition

Ensure a Robust PostgreSQL Reconnection in Your Next.js App

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In modern web development, ensuring that your application can gracefully handle database connection issues is crucial. Recently, I encountered a problem where my Next.js app would not automatically reconnect to my PostgreSQL database after a restart, causing page loads to hang. Through some trial and error, I found a robust solution using TypeScript, which I

How to Go to the Matching Brace in Visual Studio

When working with TypeScript or other languages in Visual Studio, I often find it useful to quickly navigate between matching braces, parentheses, or brackets. Visual Studio has a built-in shortcut that makes this incredibly easy. My Stackoverflow answer on this topic here. Steps to Quickly Navigate Between Matching Braces macOS Users For those using Visual

How to Fix “Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer client: couldn’t create connection to server” Error in Visual Studio Code on macOS

red and white road signage near green concrete structure

If you’re using Visual Studio Code (VS Code) on a Mac and have the “C# Dev Kit for Visual Studio Code” plugin installed, you might encounter the error “Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServer client: couldn’t create connection to server.” This error typically appears when starting up VS Code, interrupting your workflow and potentially causing frustration. In this post, we’ll

OpenAI Structured Outputs and Zod and zod-to-json-schema

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As developers, we often face the challenge of ensuring that AI-generated responses adhere to specific formats. Whether you’re extracting structured data from unstructured inputs or generating outputs that fit a precise schema, having control over the response structure is crucial. This is where OpenAI’s Structured Outputs feature comes into play, offering the ability to enforce