How to See a Tree of PIP Dependencies: A Simple Guide

sun light passing through green leafed tree

As a Python developer, managing dependencies can become overwhelming, especially as your project grows. We’ve all been there—running into conflicts between packages or wondering why a certain package isn’t working as expected. To avoid confusion and keep your environment clean, it’s essential to get a clear picture of your project’s dependency tree. Fortunately, there are

Optimizing Docker Pushes: How to Control Uploads and Improve Workflow Efficiency

assorted-color intermodal container lot

Working with Docker has become a staple for developers across different platforms, especially when it comes to packaging applications into containers. One thing that’s often overlooked, though, is how much control you can have over Docker’s image-pushing process. If you’ve ever been frustrated by slow uploads or wanted to optimize how Docker pushes layers to

Automating URL Slug Generation in PostgreSQL with Triggers and Functions

a small snail crawling on a rock

When building a web application, one essential feature you’ll need is generating user-friendly URLs—commonly referred to as “slugs”—from database entries, like company names. A slug takes the company’s name and turns it into a URL-safe string, usually by lowercasing it, replacing spaces with dashes, and removing any non-alphanumeric characters. In my most recent project, I

How to Clean Up Your Codebase with Knip

litter signage

As a project grows, it’s common for unused files, dependencies, and exports to accumulate. Over time, these unnecessary elements clutter your codebase, increasing the complexity and making maintenance harder. In my experience, keeping a clean codebase is critical to maintaining efficiency and reducing technical debt. One tool that has consistently helped me with this is

Creating a Reusable Fullscreen Hook in React

close view of brown wooden shed

Recently, I was working on a React project that required certain elements to toggle fullscreen mode, and I needed to reuse this functionality across different components. I wanted a clean, reusable solution that leveraged TypeScript to ensure type safety. This led me to create a custom hook for managing fullscreen behavior in React. In this

How to Detect Clamped Text in React

gray pipe cutter against black background

When working with text-heavy web applications, you might come across scenarios where long text needs to be truncated after a certain number of lines. CSS properties like -webkit-line-clamp make this easy by limiting the visible lines of text, but you might need to know when that text has been clamped for purposes like showing a

How to Toggle a Div to Fullscreen in React

multicolored hallway

Building responsive, interactive applications in React often requires creating components that dynamically change based on user interaction. One common feature is allowing a div to take over the entire screen with the click of a button, creating a fullscreen effect. In this post, I’ll walk through how to implement this feature, making sure to keep