How to Fix ‘Too Many Database Connections Opened’ in Prisma with Next.js Hot Reload

a person standing in the middle of a cracked road

When developing a Next.js application with Prisma as your ORM, you might encounter an issue where the application throws the error, “Too many database connections opened: FATAL: remaining connection slots are reserved for roles with the SUPERUSER attribute.” This error usually arises during development, especially when Next.js is in watch mode and the application is

Mastering Database Interactions with Prisma

person holding gray metal case outdoors

As a TypeScript enthusiast, I’ve always sought tools that enhance my productivity while ensuring type safety. Prisma, a modern ORM for Node.js and TypeScript, has become one of my go-to tools for database management. In this post, I’ll walk you through setting up and using Prisma in your TypeScript projects, covering everything from schema definition